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Practical Strategies for Nurturing Your Child’s early Emotional, Social, and Communication Development
As parents, you are key to shaping your child’s emotional, social, and communication growth. The way you interact with them creates the...

Top Tips for Early Language Vocabulary Expansion
Ever wonder how many exposures children required to learn a new word? For a child with mild language impairment, did you know that it...

How can I help my child talk more?
This is a common question we often hear is! Communication is such an important part of our lives and developing speech and language...

Speech Therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorder
Do you have a child that has ASD or you think may have ASD? Maybe you have noticed some clues/signs that you child may have the diagnosis...

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) - How Speech Pathologists can help
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a term that refers to damage to the brain caused by an external hit to the head. TBIs can be caused by a...

Decision making and how a Speech Pathologist can help
Our daily lives are made up of hundreds of decisions. From the moment you wake up you start to make them – what time you will get up,...

Strategies to optimise mealtimes, to support quality of life, comfort & nutrition
If your loved one has Dementia or a Brain Injury, they may lose interest in eating or drinking or have difficulty swallowing (dysphagia)....

The role of a Speech Pathologist in supporting behaviour
Many people are aware of the role of psychologists in working with individuals and their support systems to manage behaviours of concern....

Is Telehealth Swallowing Assessment & Management Safe & Effective?
To start off with, here are a few quick facts about Dysphagia (swallowing disorder): Rapid evaluation of Dysphagia significantly lowers...

What to expect & How to prepare for your Swallowing Telehealth Assessment
Are you experiencing difficulties swallowing? There are a number of symptoms that indicate that you may have difficulties swallowing,...

Four Strategies to Support Cognition
Are you finding it difficult to complete activities? Are you feeling fatigued? Do you find things take a long time to do? Are you...

Online therapy anytime, anywhere - Frequently Asked Questions about Online Therapy
There is an abundant of research out there that recognises Telehealth or Online therapy as a valid means of service delivery for Speech...

Maximising Goals through Functional Home Programs
In order to make functional improvements, focussing on functional tasks during therapy is so important. Here at Specialised Speech...

How can Speech Pathologists support job performance and job seeking?
Communication plays a vital role in our daily lives and is an integral part of the workplace. Communication involves: - Being...

PUBLISHED ARTICLE IN "ALLIED MAGAZINE" Aphasia – An INVISIBLE disability that affects communication.
Just because someone has difficulties communicating, does not mean they have nothing to say. Aphasia is a language disorder that is often...

Spinocerebellar Ataxia (SCA)
Spinocerebellar ataxias (SCA) constitute a group of genetically defined hereditary, degenerative, progressive diseases affecting the...

Lee-Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT-LOUD)- What’s the goal and how does it work?
The Goal of LSVT LOUD The goal of LSVT LOUD is to increase vocal volume and communicate at a “normal” loudness level. The treatment...

Slurred & Unclear Speech - Tips to manage Dysarthria
Dysarthria is the term used to classify changes in speech quality and clarity. Speech symptoms of Dysarthria include : · Slurred · Slow ·...

How can AAC or Communication Aids assist?
AAC (Alternative & Augmentative Communication) devices go by many terms including: - Augmentative and alternative communication devices -...

Speech & Swallowing Tips for people with Parkinson’s Disease
Speech Pathologists have a significant role in assisting people with Parkinson’s Disease in the areas of communication and swallowing....
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