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We take the time to find out what’s
most important to you
to work with you to achieve your
functional goals.
Additionally, we work collaboratively with other key people to
best support you.

We provide evidence-based assessment and therapy for Dysarthria and Dyspraxia.
Dysarthria is a speech disorder caused by muscle weakness.
Dyspraxia or Apraxia of Speech is a speech disorder that affects the ability to control the muscles used to product words.
Speech disorders may arising from a range of causes including stroke, traumatic brain injury, motor neuron disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease, spino-cerebellar ataxia, developmental disability etc.
Cognitive-communication may arise following stroke, brain injury, dementia or disability.
Brain Injury can result in difficulties with cognition, speech, language, social communication, independence and emotional functioning.
Here are common symptoms that you may be experiencing:
Difficulties making decisions
Troubles initiating, planning, or organising tasks
Difficulties performing daily tasks (e.g., managing a schedule, managing medications, using your phone)
Challenges with memory
Difficulty controlling emotions and having social interactions
Challenges multitasking and maintaining attention
We used evidence-based therapy methods based on neuro-plasticity. Your brain can be retrained. We can provide you with helpful strategies to improve and compensate your cognitive-linguistic skills.

We help people with aphasia, which is a language impairment impacting ones ability to express themselves or understand optimally.
Aphasia can arise from a range of different diagnosis following stroke, brain injury, dementia, disability and progressive neurological conditions including multiple sclerosis.
Here are common symptoms of Aphasia:
Speaking/Expressive Language: Difficulties; finding words, speaking in long sentences, using correct grammar, substituting sounds or words, making up words
Reading: Difficulties; reading words or sentences, recognising words by sight, sounding out words, reading comprehending
Listening: Difficulties; understanding what others say, answering questions, processing information, understanding complex sentences
Writing: Difficulties; writing letters, words or sentences, using correct grammar
We can provide rehabilitation therapy for people following stroke and brain injury.
Social communication includes three major skills:
Using language for different reasons such as greeting, informing, requesting etc.
Changing language for the listener or situation. Such as talking differently to friends or adults, giving sufficient information.
Following rules for conversations and storytelling including taking turns, letting others know that topic when you start talking, staying on topic, using facial expressions, eye contact and body language when communicating
Difficulties with social communication may include saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, telling stories that don’t make sense, using language in limited ways.
We can support you or your loved one to improve areas of social communication through role playing conversations, brainstorming ideas and working on specific skills that are challenges in day-to-day life. Targeting social communication skills aim to support confidence during social settings and building and maintaining relationships.

Eating, chewing and drinking difficulties are also known as swallowing difficulties, or dysphagia. Swallowing difficulties can impact on a person’s day-to-day activities and their wellbeing.
Here are common symptoms:
· Coughing during or right after meals
· Food or liquid remaining in the mouth after meals
· Difficulties with lip closure
· Changes in eating habits—specifically, avoidance of certain foods/drinks
· Food or liquid spilling from the mouth
· Frequent drooling
· Complaints of food "getting stuck"
· Wet or 'gurgly' sounding voice during or after meals
· Difficulty coordinating breathing and swallowing
· Recurrent pneumonia
· Extra effort/time needed to chew
We provides comprehensive assessment and therapy services to manage an array of swallowing disorders.
Services include clinical swallowing assessment to determine where challenges with swallowing are taking place and the potential causes, as well as personalised swallowing plans.​
We manage and support people with voice difficulties. If you're voice sounds different or is low volume, speech pathology intervention can help.
We offer Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT LOUD therapy) and other evidence-based approaches to voice therapy to support improvements in vocal volume, quality and clarity of speech.
Voice challenges may occur due to a variety of reasons such as stroke or degenerative conditions (Parkinson's Disease, multiple sclerosis, spina-cerebellar ataxia). If your voice is affecting your ability to communicate effectively, voice therapy may be the answer to fixing the problem and taking control.

We assess, recommend and train clients with acquired conditions and disabilities and their carers to use multimodal communication in a range of settings.
This includes Key Word Sign, sign language, low tech communication options (e.g. core boards, communications books), high tech augmentative and alternative communication options and visual supports.
We’ll meet via our secure, easy-to-use online platform. The materials used will be shared on the screen.
Eliminates transportation concerns and travel time
Greater flexibility and convenience
Greater generalisation of goals to everyday life
Good proximity of the camera to the mouth
It works & has been proven to be as effective as face to face therapy